Join the brand new LiveLoveHoop Troupe and spread the joy of hulahooping!



To create a vibrant and joyful amateur hula hoop troupe that will share the love of hooping with Brighton and Hove and beyond.


  • To grow the Brighton and Hove hoop community by sharing hooping (and LiveLoveHoop) with a larger audience through choreographed performances at local events, festivals, charity events and more.
  • To build the hoop and performance skills of troupe members and provide a mentoring experience in a fun and supportive environment
  • To create a social experience and a supportive family of hoopers!

Am I ready to join the LiveLoveHoop Troupe?

Do you:

  • Love hooping and want to spread the joy?
  • Want to challenge yourself?
  • Fancy performing in front of an audience in a supportive group environment?
  • Want to make more hoop buddies?

Then you are ready to join! Passion and commitment is more important to us than technical tricks, so don’t be scared if you feel you’re ‘not good enough’ – you are! We welcome all ages, sizes, races, genders, orientations etc.

As a LiveLoveHoop Troupe members you’ll get:

    • Performance training
    • Weekly practice time
    • Regular performance experience
    • Community and friendship
    • New hoop skills
    • Confidence
    • Fun!

Please note this is not a professional troupe, it’s a labour of love and fun! We will try to cover travel costs to performances where possible but it’s definitely not a money making exercise for anyone involved (including Jo!).

Expectations and attitude

As a troupe we want to be happy, have fun and work well together. To do so we all need to:

  • Turn up on time for rehearsals and performances
  • Be reliable and honour commitments. No flakes!
  • Practice outside of training (when possible) to be the best you can be
  • Be open and honest. Give any criticism or concerns in a constructive and polite manner. Speak up when you need to, knowing you’re in a supportive and open environment. No drama llamas or passive agressive peeps!


  • £20 /month for regular subscription. This goes towards venue hire and Jo’s travel and admin time. Left over funds will be invested back into the troupe, more details TBC.
  • A matching hoop – either buy or make your own
  • Public Liability Insurance, TBC (currently researching group policies).
  • Costumes TBC (will try to keep costs down)

Rehearsal location and commitments

We will rehearse 1 hour per week, in blocks synced with term time.

Rehearsals will be from 6-7pm at the Brighton and Hove High School on Temple Gardens.

Below are the dates up until Christmas, after which we will reassess what the troupe needs moving forward.

Term 1 – 6 weeks

11 September – 16th October

Term 2 – 6 weeks

6 November – 11 December

Performance commitments

Once we feel comfortable performing as a troupe we will apply for events and festivals we want to attend, as well as accepting offers to perform for charities.

You will be able to commit to performances as and when they come along, so they fit in with the rest of your life. Obviously we encourage you to do as many as you feel comfortable with for the most experience for you.

We will aim to perform as a group with as many of us as possible at the LiveLoveHoop Christmas Party, date TBC.

Hoop class commitments 

If you have only been hooping for less than a year or you feel you are out of practice, we do ask that you sign up for 2 consecutive hoop courses with Jo (either the Beginners or Intermediate depending on your skill level) as well as the troupe rehearsal. We can offer a discount on these courses for you so it is accessible – speak to Jo about this.

If you’re more experienced and practiced, there is no requirement to attend the courses but obviously we encourage you to continue learning from Jo if possible, to help your skills progress. Again you can get a discount on these courses.

Meet up on 7 August

We will have an initial meet up on 6-7pm Tuesday 7 August location TBC to have a chat about it all. Perfect time to come ask questions, share any concerns or just get excited and have a hoop together! No pressure to join the troupe, just see what you think. If you can’t make this date, just let Jo know and she can fill you in later.

Express your interest to join!

Please fill in this short form to say you’re keen to join. And we will be in touch very soon with more info.


Inspiration videos


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