If you’ve been wondering just HOW to get a hula hoop spinning on your waist for the first time, then I’ve got just the tutorial for you.

Make sure you’ve got an adult-sized hula hoop that comes up to at least your belly-button or taller, then watch my video below for all the steps to get it going.
Top tips for beginner hula hoopers
- Make sure the hoop is big enough – the bigger the hoop, the easier it is!
- Start the hoop on the small of your back and give it a strong push into your waist
- Push forwards and back NOT in big circles (circles make the hoop fall down!)
- Keep trying! It takes lots of practice so don’t be discouraged
Want to learn more amazing beginner hoop tricks?
Then check out my online beginner hoop course with 70 downloadable hoop classes for you to enjoy! You’ll learn the foundations of hula hooping on the body and in the hands, plus you’ll start putting together your own hoop sequences.
Want to get fit using a hula hoop?
My high-intensity hoop course is perfect for you! Short but effective hoop workouts and no experience necessary!
Any questions on getting started?
Comment below or get in touch!

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